Rules - Stevenage & District Mixed Bowls Association

Stevenage & District Mixed Bowls Association
Stevenage & District Mixed Bowls Association
Stevenage & District Mixed Bowls Association
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Mixed League Trophy

The Camera House Cup

Knockout Shield

The Club which wins the Overall League will hold for the period of one year the Camera House Cup.
  1. All games to be based on three rinks of four players (Fours). Clubs can mutuality agree, to play their league matches as 3 Rinks Triples, Ideally at would be agreed between each club at the start of the season.
  2. All games shall be of 18 ends. To start a League Match a coin is to be tossed to decide who has the option of the Jack. All weekend matches are played in whites or registered club colours.
  3. League points will be awarded for the following: - 3 Points for an overall win (Total No. of shots), 1 Point for each winning rink (Total No. of Shots). Drawn rinks are to play an extra end to decide who wins the point, but any shots scored will not be added to the overall match total. To start an extra end a coin is to be tossed for option of the Jack.
  4. Rained off games (not started) are to be rearranged where possible. If this is not possible each club will be awarded 3 Points each. In the event of a League match being conceded by a club, only 4 points will be awarded to the opposition.
  5. A match is a minimum of 10 ends per rink. Abandoned matches after 10 ends or more being played, on each rink constitutes a result. The score at abandonment to stand. Points will then be awarded in the normal way.  Games abandoned before 10 ends are played, will be rearranged where possible restarting the game. If it is not possible to rearrange the match, rule 4 will apply.
  6. Bowlers playing in the league must be full members of the clubs they play for and can only play for one league club in a season.
  7. There must be a minimum of 3 ladies/3 men playing in a match for each club and there must be at least one lady/one man on each of the three rinks in a league match. If at any time mixed rinks cannot be played, those rinks will forfeit 20% of their score. A minimum of 3 shots is to be deducted. *
  8. In the event of two clubs having the same number of points at the end of the season, the club who has had the greatest number of winning rinks will be the winner. Should there still be a draw it will be decided on shots.
  9. The home club are to forward the match result card to the league secretary. This should be carried out as soon as possible
  10. The league secretary will provide via the associations website (, current status on the league match results and league table. This will be carried out on a weekly & sometimes daily basis depending upon receipt of result cards of matches played.
  11. In all matches, match score cards will be placed face down, paired off and rink numbers marked up by the visiting captain.
  12. League matches are to be played under Bowls England Ltd & World Bowls Rules unless domestic rules apply. The Home Teams are responsible for completing and getting the Match Result Cards signed and returned to the League Secretary, as soon as possible.
  13. At the end of the 2002 season, the league will split into two divisions. This will mean the top six clubs in the 2002 league, will form Division One and the bottom six clubs will form Division Two. In the event of any new club wanting to join the association they would join division two in their first year.
  14. The promotion and relegation between divisions will be on the two up & two down principle.
  15. The Division One & Two Winners Trophies will be known has the Des Walsh Trophies. The winners & runner-up will receive a Plaque each.
  16. If a player/team fails to appear and be ready to play within 30 minutes after the agreed time for the league match, the opponent(s) may claim a "walk-over" for each rink that does not start within the allocated time.
  17. Clubs can mutuality agree to play their league matches as 3 Mixed Triples, Ideally at the start of the season. All weekend matches are played in whites or registered club colours.

* Forfeiture of points will only be applied once per rink & Decimal place rounding up & down should be as below
(0.1 to 0.5 = 0 & 0.6 to 0.9 = 1)
The Home Teams are responsible sending the League Match Results via Website/Email to the Association Secretary, as soon as possible.
 (Division Rules 13, 14, 15 are suspended) & (Rules 1 & 7 Amended at the EGM
On 28th Sept 2007) Confirmed at the AGM 18th March 2008
Rules 1, 4, 7 & 10 Amended AGM 21st March 2014
Rule 17, added to clarify playing 4 Mixed Triples in League Matches, AGM 2015
Confirmed 31st March AGM 2017
Mixed league changed to Triples confirmed 23rd February AGM 2018
Rule 7 confirmed Forfeit for non-mixed rinks added AGM 22nd March 2019
Rule 5 amended at AGM March 2020
Rules 1,2,7 & 17 amended at AGM 12th November 2021
Rules 2 & 17 amended at AGM 4th November 2022

    The Club which wins the Knockout Competition will hold for the period of one year Knockout Shield.

    1. Four rinks of Triples from each club will take part in each round, but need not be registered as a team. One lady/man member at least, must be included in each of the four rinks. If at any time mixed triples cannot be played, those rinks will forfeit 20% of their score. A minimum of 3 shots is to be deducted. *
    2. The rounds must be played with two triples at home and two triples away at the same time and on the same date. The combined score will decide the winner of that round.

    3. Games are to be of 18 ends and 1 extra end is to be played at the home drawn venue only. This will only count in the event of a draw.

    4. The score of games will count if forced to be abandoned after 11 ends have been played. If less than 11 ends have been played on either or both games then both games must be replayed.

    5. Preliminary rounds to be played by 4th June. First rounds to be played by 9th July. Semi-Finals to be playd by 31st July. The Final is to be played by 17th August.

    6. The home drawn club is to notify its opposing side and arrange the fixture. Clubs not arriving for games will be adjudged  defaulters and withdrawn from the competition.

    7. The Final to be played with two triples at home and two triples away at the same time, played in whites and on the same date. The combined score will decide the winner.

    8. To decide who starts the Match a coin is to be tossed to see who has the option of the Jack.

    9. In all matches, match score cards will be placed face down, paired off and rink numbers marked up by the visiting captain.

    10. The Knockout competition is to be played under Bowls England & the World Bowls rules, unless domestic rules apply.

    11. If a player/team fails to appear and be ready to play within 30 minutes after the agreed time for the tie, the opponent(s) may claim a "walk-over".

    * Forfeiture of points will only be applied once per rink &
    Decimal place rounding up & down should be as below
    (0.1 to 0.5 = 0 and 0.6 to 0.9 = 1)

    The Home Teams are responsible sending the League Match Results via Website/Email to the Association Secretary, as soon as possible.

    (Confirmed at the AGM 18th March 2008)
    (Amended & Confirmed at the AGM 24th March 2012)
    (Rule 1 confirmed Forfeit for non-mixed rinks added AGM 22nd March 2019)
    (Rule 1 changed to Forfeit minimum of 3 shots AGM 12th Nov 2022)
    Rules for playing a Pair against a Triple

    • When a rink of three players plays a rink of two players.
    • Members of the "offending" rink will each play with four woods.
    • Members of the ''non-offending" rink will play with three woods except the skip who will play two woods only.
    • Each rink to play with eight bowls each over 18 ends.
    • Leads to start play in the normal way and all rinks members play their woods alternately as normal.
    • At the close of play the offending team will deduct 25% of its shots score *.
    • Failure to follow these rules, will result in a win for the ''non-offending" rink with them being awarded one point with one shot.
    • Both club captains are responsible for ensuring that the above rules are obeyed.

    Clubs must agree to the above rules before match is played. You must also notify the Association Secretary when this rule is used to complete a match.

    * Forfeiture of points will only be applied once per rink & Decimal place rounding up & down should be as below
    (0.1 to 0.5 = 0 & 0.6 to 0.9 = 1)

    Rules for playing a Triples against a Fours

    • When a rink of four players, plays a rink of three players.
    • The Lead & Two of the "offending" rink will play with three woods each and the Skip will play with two.
    • All Members of the ''non-offending" rink will each play with two woods.
    • Each rink to play with eight bowls each over 18 ends.
    • Leads to start play in the normal way and all rinks members play their woods alternately as normal.
    • At the close of play the offending team will deduct 25% of its shots score *.
    • Failure to follow these rules, will result in a win for the ''non-offending" rink with them being awarded one point with one shot.
    • Both club captains are responsible for ensuring that the above rules are obeyed.

    Clubs must agree to the above rules before match is played. You must also notify the Association Secretary when this rule is used to complete a match.

    * Forfeiture of points will only be applied once per rink & Decimal place rounding up & down should be as below
    (0.1 to 0.5 = 0 & 0.6 to 0.9 = 1)
    Stevenage & District Mixed Bowls Association
    © 1987-2024 Stevenage & District Mixed Bowls Association (All rights reserved)
    © 1987-2025 Stevenage & District Mixed Bowls Association (All rights reserved)
    The aim of this Association is to encourage clubs in the Stevenage & District Area to play Mixed Bowls - Since 1987
    WebMaster: Mike Parsons
    The aim of this Association is to encourage clubs in the Stevenage & District Area to play Mixed Bowls - Since 1987
    WebMaster: Mike Parsons
    The aim of this Association is to encourage clubs in the Stevenage & District Area to play Mixed Bowls - Since 1987
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